An abandoned church on Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Simnasho, Oregon.
Forty years of wind and dust have sanded the church down to bare wood. Nobody had been inside the Presbyterian Mission since it was boarded up since the mid-1960's. The church looks over a long stretch of Reservation desert, marked by other abandoned and dilapidated buildings.
An abandoned home sits in the shadow of the church. Its roof has caved in.
An abandoned barn sits under a full moon, Tygh Valley, Oregon.
Much of the wood roof has rotted away. The barn is one of many abandoned farms and homesteads in the Central Oregon desert.
An abandoned fruit picker's shack, Hood River, Oregon. A pear orchard surrounds the shack in the shadow of Mt. Hood.
The remaining church in the pioneer mining camp, turned ghost town, of Golden, Oregon. Although the settlement was abandoned around the turn of the century, several buildings still stand.
The local rumor is that the Golden church is haunted.
Miners and their families once filled the pews.
Golden's abandoned carriage house waits under a horizon of evergreens.