B entertains himself on the playground at the Vivian Olum Child Development Center.
B eats dinner over a sign language placemat, just one of many ASL-themed items in the family's home.
One of B's speech therapists shows him a picture of a boy crying in hope of eliciting the word "sad" from B. Often, B's time in speech therapy is spent trying to get him to voluntarily say words with hard syllables.
B's speech therapist attempts to get B to mimic her mouth movements.
B attempts to create the sound of the letter of the day.
Instructions for the speech therapists read, "Activity to elicit target: Clinicians will set the room up like a campout. Various activities will provide for who questions to elicit he, she, they. Who is sleeping? Who is roasting the hot dogs? Who turned the light off?"
B, frustrated, pushes a classmate during his weekly soccer time.
A, B's mother, explains to B how pushing his friends landed him in time-out.
B entertains himself while his classmates play soccer.
"You're grumpy, I know," A says/signs to B as she wakes him up to get ready for school. B sleeps with both his heading aid and his processor removed, which makes him quite the sound sleeper.
A helps B put his shoes on as the bus arrives to take him to school. B, who has a unique obsession for buses, was too enthralled with the bus to put his shoes on himself.
"I love you," B's mother signs to him after buckling him into the school bus.
B's father, S, struggles to put on B's processor after it fell out while B was jumping on the couch. B usually has no problem wearing his processor, but often refuses to put it on once it's been removed.
B struggles to get down from his mother's lap during a "Sign 'n Bowl" event.
B stares up at his father, confused. The battery on B's processor was dying, signified by the red light as opposed to the blinking green.
B's mother helps him bowl during a "Sign 'n Bowl" event put on by the ASL Club at the University of Oregon. "His grandfather will be so happy to see this," says A, whose father is an avid bowler.
B stares happily up at his mother after being introduced to two of the ASL instructors at the University of Oregon.